Darjeeling CTC Tea

Darjeeling CTC (Crush, Tear, Curl) tea is a type of black tea produced in the Darjeeling region of India using the CTC method of processing. Darjeeling is renowned for its high-quality teas, and CTC processing is a common technique employed to produce robust and flavorful black teas. Here's an overview of Darjeeling CTC tea:

  1. Processing Method:

    • CTC is a mechanical tea processing method where the leaves undergo crushing, tearing, and curling. This method is different from the traditional Orthodox tea processing, resulting in smaller, granular tea leaves.
  2. Appearance:

    • Darjeeling CTC tea is characterized by small, uniform granules that brew into a robust and bold cup of tea. The CTC method enhances the extraction of flavor and color from the tea leaves.
  3. Flavor Profile:

    • CTC teas tend to produce a strong, brisk, and full-bodied cup with pronounced malty notes. Darjeeling CTC, while robust, may also retain some of the floral and muscatel characteristics that are typical of Darjeeling teas.

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